Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Practice Notes for November 20

Hey Choir,

Remember that we do not have choir this coming Sunday morning during our combined worship time, and we also do not have practice Sunday evening.  On Sunday evening we will be at the community Thanksgiving service at Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  Remember we are having a community choir which will meet at 4:45 PM with the service to follow at 6:00 PM.

Also remember that there is no choir practice on Sunday night of November 27th or December 4th due to the holidays and Joyful Sounds presentation.

We will practice from 4:00 - 6:00 on Sunday night December 11th and also from 10:00 - 12:00 on Saturday, December 17th.

Wow the holidays are moving fast....I can't believe that November is halfway over!  Wow!  Have a great week and we'll see ya Sunday morning.  Here's our devotional thought for the week!

Shall Not Perish
When I was 6 years old I made the best decision of my life, but it wasn't until later in my life around 17 or 18 that I truly understood the significance of that decision.  I had been studying the Bible and came to the realization that there was a God who loved me.  In fact, He loved me so much that He left heaven and lowered Himself to live as a man so that He could live a perfectly sinless life and then die a horrible death on a cross to pay the price for the bad things I have done.  Once I came to the realization that I could know this God personally, I jumped at the chance.  I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and to become the Lord of my life.

Lord, thank You for dying on a cross for me.  I love you!

"For God so loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16

"And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept the mercy and grace while it is offered to you.  Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." - George Whitefield


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Practice Notes for November 13

Good Wednesday everybody!

This coming Sunday morning (November 13) our Joyful Sounds choir will be leading in the 8:30 service and there will be no choir in the 11:00 service.  Jack will be leading the early service and Adam Cunningham will be leading the late service!

Also, we will have choir practice Sunday night at 5:00 and Barbara will be leading this time so come ready for some laughs and hard work on the Christmas musical!

I am still looking for some replacement dates between now and our performance and will post those by the beginning of next week.

Hope you're having a great week and we'll see ya Sunday!

Here's our devotional thought for the week!

One Way
One summer I did camp in Mississippi and so one weekend we took a trip to visit New Orleans.  Now if you've ever been to New Orleans, you know that there are many one-way streets.  Now I was responsible for driving our team around the city and it drove me absolutely crazy.  But as I talked to a waiter one night I learned that these one-way streets weren't all that bad.  He told me that his car had been stolen and was quickly located and the thieves were promptly apprehended simply because they were foolishly attempting to make their getaway by driving the wrong way down a one-way street.

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the one way of salvation.  God has not provided any other plan to His people whereby they can come to Him.  Humans often selfishly, ignorantly, or rebelliously invent alternative routes to spending eternity with God, but they are sorely misguided and mistaken.  No other way is needed because God's plan is perfect.

Jesus, You are the one way to salvation.  Thank You for being our Savior.

"There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it." - Acts 4:12

"But when you take the Bible literally, for what it says, you have to come back to the fact that there is only one way of salvation; there's only one Savior." - author Tim LaHaye

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Practice Notes for Oct 30

Hey Choir,

Ok so this week we will be singing "How Beautiful" in both services so remember to be here by about 8:10 AM!  Here's what you'll need for practice Sunday night:

Celebrate the Day - Christmas Musical

That's it for this week...check out our devotion below!

New Creation
I like to see new places.  I like to experience new things.  However, as some of you have probably heard I don't do a whole lot of types of food.  I've noticed that when I travel, I most often look for familiar restaurant chains when choosing a place to eat instead of embracing one of a kind local cuisine.

Why do I do that?  Doesn't it make sense that trying new restaurants would enhance the adventure and excitement of my journey?  However, most often, I'm simply not willing to risk it.  It seems that even when I am seeking adventure, there's a part of me that wants security.  I suppose that's something that's built into all of us.

Fortunately, when we come to Christ and become a new creation, we not only get to experience the new that comes with knowing Him, but we gan the greatest security that has ever been and ever will be.

Lord, help me to embrace the adventure and security that comes with being a new creation through You.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come" - 2 Corinthians 5:17

"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." - Albert Einstein

See ya Sunday,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Practice Notes for October 23

Happy Wednesday Choir!

I'm looking forward to a great Sunday morning this coming week!  We'll be singing "Hail to the King" in both services and we need a good strong bunch to pull this one off so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make plans to be there for BOTH services....we're singing as the Offertory in the 1st service and as the Call to Worship in the 2nd service!

Here's what we'll be working on Sunday night:

How Beautiful - Anthem

Celebrate the Day - Christmas Musical

And we'll close out with our devotional thought for this week!

Who Is This Christ?
We Christians hold an unusual view of religion.  We believe that our God created us, that He gave us free will, that we sinned, and then that our God died to forgive our sins.  When we begin to investigate other religions from around the world, we discover that other religions include gods that punish their followers and offer no hope of reconciliation.  Only the Bible offers the true hope and promise that if we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior that we can be adopted into our God's family.  Isn't it wonderful to understand that our Creator and God wants to have a restored relationship with us?  And isn't it great to know that the restoration costs us nothing?  And isn't it sobering to know that the restoration costs Jesus His life?

Lord Jesus, as we use musical worship to draw our congregation into Your presence, teach us how to share with the lost in our churches how to come into a saving relationship with You.

"But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God" - John 1:12

"Salvation comes through a cross and a crucified Christ." - Andrew Murray

See ya Sunday,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Practice Notes for October 16

Hey Choir,

Just a quick reminder this morning that we will be singing "Broken and Spilled Out" this coming Sunday, October 16 during the 8:30 service.  If everyone can try to be in the loft by 8:15 at the latest that would be great!

Also, we will not be having choir practice Sunday night.  I will be leading a retreat on Sunday evening and Monday.  But don't forget, we will be singing "Hail to the King" in BOTH services on Sunday, October 23rd!  We'll talk more about that next week!

I also wanted to update you that we will NOT be having a combined worship and fellowship meal on October 30.  That has been moved to Sunday, November 20th.  However, we will still sing "How Beautiful" on October 30th in the 8:30 service.

Here's our devotion for the week!  Remember to keep listening to that Christmas Music!!!

Salvation Truth
Secular historians agree that a Jewish man named Jesus died.  The details of the death are what come into question by the secular world.  The Bible, a history book of sorts, also shows that Jesus died.  The Bible, however, goes onto record the reason that Jesus died.  Jesus died to offer the world forgiveness.  1 Corinthians 15:3-4 clearly explains that the Savior died for our sins.  It concludes with the glorious record that Jesus' death was not permanent.  The Bible is the source on which we as Christians stand when we share our faith with others.

Lord, as we share the salvation message through our music ministry here at FBC Goodlettsville, remind us that we share truths based on the biblical message of The Truth!

"For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

"Salvation is from our side a choice; from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God.  Our accepting and willing are reactions rather than actions." - A.W. Tozer


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Practice Notes for October 9

Hey Choir,

Thanks again to everybody who made it to the early service to sing "Hands of the Healer" with us.  It was wonderful!  We'll take this Sunday morning off, as Joyful Sounds will be singing, and then we'll be back up next Sunday morning, October 16.  Here's what you'll need Sunday night:

Celebrate the Day - Christmas Musical
"What Child Is This with How He Loves"

Hail to the King - Anthem

How Beautiful - Anthem (You will receive this Sunday night)

Broken and Spilled Out - Anthem (You will receive this Sunday night)

Here's our devotion for the week:

Doing My Part
There is a lady named Kathy Frady who leads worship at several women's events across the country.  She often times will do characters to liven things up a bit.  One of the funny drama characters that she performs really gets people laughing is when she begins to add accessories to the Armor of God found in Ephesians.  It gets really funny when the Kathy's character puts on a huge purple and turquoise hat trimmed in yellow flowers over her "helmet of salvation."  The sketch ends with everyone laughing at the mess she has made.

While it is pretty funny to watch the character add accessories to her Christian walk, it subtlety reminds the audience that we are saved by grace through faith.  The underlying message of the sketch points out the message that some of us, at times, try to "do" things that will impress God into loving us and saving us.  And just like the character ends up looking ridiculous in her accessories, we can end up looking spiritually ridiculous by trying to work our way into heaven.

Thank you Jesus for already doing salvation work!

"For by grace are you saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves: it is God's gift - not from works so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

"Is it not wonderful news that salvation lies outside ourselves?" - Martin Luther

Have a great rest of the week and we'll see you Sunday!


Friday, September 30, 2011

Practice Notes for October 2

Hey Choir,

Happy Friday to everyone....sorry I'm a little late with the update this week...been quite a busy one!  A couple of reminders for you:

1.  We are singing Hands of the Healer, THIS SUNDAY IN EARLY SERVICE....please be in the loft around 8:10 to rehearse.

2.  We still have copies of the "Celebrate the Day" cd's for your pick-up.  If you haven't yet grabbed one, make sure you do so Sunday evening!

Here's what you'll need for practice:

Hail to the King - Anthem

Celebrate the Day - Christmas Musical (He Has Come For Us, What Child Is This)

See you all Sunday morning!  Here's our devotional thought for this week:

I don't know about you, but I often forget about the extreme grace that the Lord has bestowed upon me.  I mean, I've received the salvation that He has to offer, but in my day-to-day life I often don't reflect on His mercy toward me.  Instead, I get caught up in all of the things that I have to do, things that I tend to believe make me more spiritual or holy or righteous.  Those are all good things, but they pale in comparison to the righteousness that comes upon me because of the grace and mercy of Jesus.  He loved us so much even though we don't deserve His love.  His grace truly is amazing.

Lord, thank You for Your grace and thank You for Your mercy.  Help us to always remember what You have done for us and how much You love us.

"For by grace are you saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift - not from works, so that no one can boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

"Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve and mercy is when God doesn't give us what we do deserve." - Anonymous

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Practice Notes for September 25th

Hey Choir,

Wow it was great getting back to practicing Sunday night...and that loft is starting to fill back up!  So excited to see some new faces with us (and some old ones that have rejoined us), and I'm always thankful for our "regulars" who are there every week!  I think we're still going to add a few more before it's all said and done so keep on spreading the word!

Here's what you will need this Sunday night:

Hands of the Healer - Anthem
Celebrate the Day - Christmas Musical
Hail to the King - Anthem

I look forward to seeing all of you Sunday evening at 5 PM!  Here's our devotional thought for the week!

Falling Short
Once, when I was leading worship, I made a very embarrassing mistake.  I was doing a spoken transition from one praise song to the next while the piano played softly behind me.  What I meant to say was that "Jesus was the only person who ever lived who was able to live a totally sinless life."  However, when the moment came to speak those words, I accidentally said, "Jesus was the only person who ever lived who was able to live a totally sinful life."  Fortunately, my pastor informed me of my error during the offering and I was able to reaffirm my theological stance to the congregation later in the service.

Jesus did live a sinless life.  No one else who has ever lived can make that claim to fame, not the Apostle Paul, not John Calvin, not Mother Teresa, not Billy Graham, no one.  When I reflect on this, I remember that it's only by the grace and mercy of God that we are saved.

Lord we thank You for Your grace and mercy!

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus"  Romans 3:23-24

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Practice Notes for September 18

Hey Choir,

If you weren't able to join us this past Sunday evening, we had a wonderful time joining up with church choirs from across our community at the September 11th Memorial Service at Goodlettsville Nazarene Church.  Wow, it was fun to sing with over 100 voices....I think we should try that every week here at FBC so we need to get after some folks!  Invite someone to come to choir with you (Joyful Sounds or our Celebration Choir).

This Sunday we'll kick off our Fall schedule with choir practice at 5:00 PM and Bible Study classes following at 6 PM.  We have studies for our kids, youth, men, women and anyone else who shows up!  With Bible Study starting this week at 6 PM, we'll have to be done a little before 6, which means we need to start right at 5 please be on time!!

Here's what you'll need this week:
Hands of the Healer - Anthem
Hail to the King - Anthem
Celebrate the Day - Christmas Collection

See ya Sunday night, but don't forget to read our devotional thought for the week!


My wife is always looking for a bargain.  In fact, if what she's looking for isn't on sale, he's most likely not going to buy it.  We live right down the street from a mall and she walks through it all the time, but she purchases most of her clothes on sale or with coupons and discounts.  She shops at stores where it looks like the place threw up clothes everywhere, and she'll sort through piles to find that good bargain or deal.

Fortunately, when God saw that we needed redemption, He didn't go looking for a bargain.  He offered the most valuable thing that exists, Himself, to purchase our salvation.  He lowered Himself to become a man.  Then, substituting Himself for us, He died an excruciating death on a cross, after being beaten mercilessly.  The cost was greater than that of anything ever purchased.

Lord, thank You for paying the full cost of the penalty for my sin.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23)

"There is no victory at bargain basement prices." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 11th Revision

Hey Choir,

I need to make you aware of a few details regarding the community wide September 11th Remembrance service.

Choir Rehearsal beings at 5:00PM...not 4:30 PM.
Service starts at 6:00 PM....not 6:30 PM.

Also we all need to wear solid red, white or blue shirts and khaki slacks or skirt.

We will be singing America, the Beautiful and God Bless the USA...I have music for both these pieces and will get it to you all on Sunday night at the rehearsal.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Practice Notes for September 11th

Good Wednesday morning to you all!

Just a couple of things to remind you of this morning...we once again will not be having choir rehearsal this Sunday night, BUT WE WILL BE SINGING!!  Sunday night is the September 11th Remembrance Service at Goodlettsville Nazarene church.  We are having a community wide choir and we will get together Sunday night at 4:30 PM to rehearse the music together!  The service starts at 6 PM.  After this week we'll be back to our regular practice schedules as normal on Sundays at 5 PM.

Christmas CD's are ready to be picked up in the Office so make sure to get yours!

Here's a devotional thought for you as you tackle the rest of your week!  See ya Sunday night!


by John and Kathy Frady

I spent one summer working in a mission center near the French Quarter in New Orleans.  Every week, our team distributed donated bread and other food items to anyone in need.  One man came for bread weekly and continuously complained, saying, "All you ever give me is bread and desserts.  I need some Vienna Wienies!"  One week, I bought and then gave him a can of Vienna Sausages.  He took the can and said, "I bet you don't have any mustard to go with it, do you?"

Salvation is free, but it is not cheap.  The only reason we can receive eternal life is because Jesus died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  Fortunately, the Lord sees fit to draw us to Himself through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We should be thankful for the price that the Lord paid for us and we should ask forgiveness for all the complaining that we do so often!

"Jesus answered them, 'Stop complaining among yourselves.  No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day'"  (John 6:43-33).

"People that pay for things never complain.  It's the guy you give something to that you can't please." - Will Rogers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Practice Notes for September 4th

Hey Choir,

Just a reminder that we don't have choir for the next two Sunday nights....however on Sunday night, September 11th, we will be having a community-wide memorial service at Goodlettsville Nazarene Church...they have asked that all of those wishing to participate in the choir to arrive at 4:30 for rehearsal, so I hope to see some of you there along with me and Crystal!  I still wanted to give you some food for thought this week, even though we aren't practicing so enjoy!

When I worked camp one summer, we stayed at a college campus where I was fortunate enough to have a room to myself.  A few door down from me were a couple of my fellow male staffers who never cleaned anything in their room.  In fact, they were proud of the fact that you could walk past their room in the hallway and have to cover your nose and mouth.  It was foul to the core!

One week, me and another staffer couldn't take it anymore.  As soon as they had both left to start their day, we wrapped a towel across our face, ran into their room, opened their window, and propped it in place with a broom, hoping that a few days of airing out would remove the smell.

After a week or so, my team honored me as a hero, but soon the smell was back.  My temporary solution wasn't sufficient to permanently remove the source of the stench.

Only Jesus can forgive us our sins.  Only He can get to the source of our sinful stench and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." - 1 John 1:9

Thank You, Jesus, for Your cleansing forgiveness!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Practice Notes for August 28th

Hey Choir,

Welcome to Choir Notes...this is where I'll post what we'll be working on at our upcoming practice so you'll know what to expect and what to bring!  Also I'll be including a weekly devotion/thought to keep us all grounded in why we do this thing called "worship"!  Make sure to check back each Wednesday for an update!

Practice Schedule for August 28th
Hands of the Healer - Anthem
Hail to the King - Anthem
Celebrate the Day - Christmas Collection

We'll see you Sunday afternoon at 5:00 in the sanctuary!  But don't stop yet....keep reading for this week's thought!

Church Business Meeting

Several years ago, I attended a knock down, drag out, nail biting, back biting, pull out all the stops, bring your own bullet proof vest church business meeting.  Personal complaints were verbalized which prompted vicious rebuttals.  People pointed fingers, assigned blame, and even cursed!  Even those called upon to pray had the audacity to complain about specific individuals in their prayers.  I went home that night extremely discouraged and seriously considered walking away from my call to ministry altogether.

There's a fine line between constructive criticism and critical complaints.  As followers of Jesus, we must remember that we are His representatives.  When we openly spread negative comments about fellow believers, we are damaging the validity of our own testimony while demeaning the value of their Christian witness and ministry

"Brothers, do not complain about one another, so that you will not be judged" - James 5:9

"When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints." - Samuel Johnson

So you're is this relevant to choir.  It's just a reminder that sometimes we may not always sing a song in our own personal choice of style.  Maybe we think a song is too fast or too slow, too repetitive or too outdated, too loud or too's in these moments that we must stop and remember why we sing in the first glorify God.  We don't sing to benefit ourselves (and if we do, we're really in trouble), but rather we sing to proclaim the name of Jesus to those that will listen!  God works through hymns and praise choruses....he works through praise bands and southern gospel quartets.....he works through women's trios and through senior adult choirs......he works through pre-school moving songs and through an orchestral piece.  The bottom line is God is big and uses ALL of HIS musical creation to sing His praises.....we just get to hang on and enjoy the ride!

See ya Sunday night,